The machines ships in two separate modules. Upon setting in the permanent location, mate together with the forming station module and the heater module.
- On each side where they mate, you will see two markings showing a triangle plate. Install the 4 plates, two on each side.
- There is also a plate on top of the front beam of the heater module that attaches to the forming module and needs to be installed.
- There are two shafts that need to be installed in the oven section for the clamping frame. These shafts get secured to the machine by a pillow block in the back of the oven and they need to be bolted to the aluminum profile that sticks out of the forming station. The ¼-20 screw bolts from to the bottom of the rail into the drilled shaft.
- For shipping purposes, on the section of the shafts that is located in the forming station module towards the front close to the bearing. We have placed a shaft collar on each side and they need to be removed. They are clearly marked remove.
- On the right-hand side shaft, there is also another collar with a rubber bumper that is clearly marked DO NOT REMOVE.
- For shipping purposes we removed the cooling fans, you can reinstall them at the middle cross member of the forming station module. There are four screws showing location.
- The operator interface needs to be mounted to the bracket on the front of the forming machine. Also, you will need to bolt down the bracket with the limit switch onto the middle horizontal member of the forming station.
- Looking from the operator side towards the main electrical enclosure you will see towards the bottom of the enclosure an air valves manifold. In the bottom of the manifold, we have placed a short piece of blue hose with a number. Remove this piece and install the corresponding number hose that is bundled against the side of the forming station.
- To remove the short piece of hose, DO NOT PULL. First, depress the orange collar on the air fitting and then pull. It should come out very easily. If it does not, you are not depressing the orange collar enough.
- Repeat the procedure with the rest of the hoses.
Air connection: In the back of the machine, besides the electrical cabinet there is a filter regulator, you connect your air supply to it, maintain at all times an air pressure not less than 60 PSI.
The vacuum pump is mounted on top of the receiver. Position it at a location where is convenient for you. From the enclosure, there is a power cord. In the left side, open the junction box in the motor, you will find 3 yellow connectors, connect each lead of the cord them and screw the ground to the location marked inside the junction box.
In the back of the machine is located the vacuum valve. Using the vacuum hose and quick disconnects supplied, connect it to the tank. On the vacuum valve assembly, there is a male part of the quick disconnect that is mounted on the tee. Facing towards the front of the machine, that is the location from where you run the vacuum hose to your mold.
Electrical connection: open the main electrical cabinet. On the top left-hand side, there is a power distribution block, connect to it your 240, 3 phase power supply. Before you turn power on to the machine, check the transformer on the bottom right-hand side of the cabinet is wired correctly, meaning high voltage going in, 120 going out.
On the side of the main electrical cabinet, there are three selector switches, on-off with their corresponding indicating lights. The top one turns power on to the machine. The second downturns on the heaters. The third downturns on the vacuum pump.
To test the machine, make sure the air is connected.
Turn on the power on selector switch (top one).
To test the rotation of the vacuum pump, briefly turn on the third selector switch (Vacuum pump on). On the side of the vacuum tank, there is a vacuum gauge. The needle of the gauge should move up, counterclockwise. If the needle does not move, then you need to swap two of the power feeding wires. You can do it at the bottom of the pump overload protector. This one is the furthest to the right and is the only one with 3 poles and wire black, red, and white coming out of it. Before you do that make sure power has been disconnected from the wall.