The operator interface includes the following operators: manual set up, automatic.
While on manual mode, all the operators are active.
In set up mode, center position, the BOTTOM platen up can be jogged up with the up operator and can be jogged down with the down operator.
In set up mode, the TOP platen up can be jogged down with the down operator and can be jogged up with the up operator.
In set up mode, the start and stop operators are disabled. During set up, the travel of both platens is determined by the position of the shaft collars located on the shafts that guide the platens. The speed at which the platens move is controlled by speed controls located at the corresponding ports of the air cylinders.
In manual mode, by pressing the start operator, the clamping frame will move into the oven and will stay there until the stop or the emergency operators are depressed. The clamping frame will not travel into the oven area unless the clamps have been closed using the clamp close operator.
In manual mode, the bottom platen will travel upwards by pressing the up operator once. By pressing it twice, the vacuum will come on. Press it a third time and the fan will activate.
In manual mode, to lower the bottom platen press the down operator, the machine will first give a blast of air eject into the mold and then the platen will lower. The platen will also lower by pressing the emergency operator.
The air pressure of the air eject is controlled by the pressure regulator located on the vacuum-air tree beside the main control cabinet.
In manual mode, the top platen will go down by pressing the down operator and will go up by pressing the up or the emergency operator.
In automatic mode, the machine will go through a complete cycle according to the times set on the DV-1000 interface by pressing the start operator. By pressing the emergency operator, the cycle will stop and the clamping frame will come out of the oven. If the emergency operator is activated while the clamping frame is out of the oven, both platens will open and the clamping frame will also open.
The DV-1000 interface controls both the settings of the different functions as well as the percentage settings of the 24 different heating zones.
All settings for the different timers are displayed in tenths of a second, therefore a reading of 590 means 59 seconds.
Heating: controls the amount of time that the clamping frame will stay in the oven.
Current: an up timer that displays the running time that the clamp frame is in the oven.
Bottom delay: tells the bottom platen when to rise once the clamping frame has come out of the oven into the forming station.
Bottom up: controls the amount of time that the bottom platen will stay in the up position.
Bottom vacuum delay: tells the bottom vacuum when to start once the clamping frame has come out of the oven.
Bottom air: controls the amount of time that the bottom air eject valve will stay open. This function gets activated once the forming timer has timed out. Once the bottom air timer times out, the platen will lower. This is true for both manual and automatic cycles.
Top delay: tells the top platen when to lower once the clamping frame has come out of the oven into the forming station.
Top timer: this timer controls the amount of time that the top platen will stay in the down position.
Top vacuum delay: tells the top vacuum when to start once the clamping frame has come out of the oven.
Top air: controls the amount of time that the top air eject valve will stay open. This function gets activated once the forming timer has timed out. Once the top air timer times out, the top platen will go up. This is true for both manual and automatic cycles.
Parts: this counts how many times the clamping frame has gone into the oven. To reset it to zero, press the bottom platen down and the top platen up buttons at the same time.
Bottom travel: this timer controls the amount of time that the bottom travel will travel downwards.
Parts cooling: this timer controls when the fan will come on once the forming has started. Fan goes off automatically at the end of the cycle once the bottom platen has lowered.
Mold cooling: this timer tells the fan in automatic mode how long it will stay on while the frame is in the oven. Be sure to set the timer at a number smaller than the one set at heating.
Bot vacuum: controls the amount of time that the bottom vacuum valve will stay open, this setting should be less than the bottom up setting.
Top vacuum: controls the amount of time that the top vacuum valve will stay open, this setting should be less than the top down up setting.
On the DV-1000, by pressing the arrow facing to the right will change the screen and will show one that displays timers 1 to 12. They control the 12 different top heating zones. Be careful these timers are not controlled in tenths of a second. Therefore, a reading of 60 means that the particular heating zone will be on for 60% of the time and off for 40%.
Please refer to the oven layout to determine how each timer controls a different zone.