When you turn it on, air should come out on the right side of the oven, as you are facing the end wall. If it is coming out of the left, it means that your motor is running backward. Change two leads on the motor starter to change rotation.
As you face the control panel, the lone starter on the left controls the blower.
On the front panel, turn the oven on. After a few seconds, the green light turns on. It indicates that the blower started running.
Push the start button, amber light turns on. It indicates that the heaters are enabled.
After a few seconds, the red light turns on, indicating that the heaters are working.
By pressing the stop button, the heaters will turn off, but the blower will continue running for a set time in order to allow the heaters to cool down.
The operator interface has the following settings:
Set time: the total number of minutes that the oven will be running. A setting of 120 means that it will run for 2 hours.
Actual time: displays the number of minutes that the oven has been running since startup.
Set temp: here you set the desired temperature you want the oven to reach. A setting of 1800 means you have set the oven at 180 degrees.
Degrees: display the actual temperature in the return end of the oven.
Heaters on: the amount of time heaters will be on. If you want to heat up faster, make this setting longer.
Heaters off: the amount of time heaters will be off. If you want to heat up faster, make this setting shorter.
We have these settings in order to save energy since it takes some time to remove the heat from the heaters into the chamber.
Safety: the amount of time that the blower will continue running after the set time has been reached. This feature allows for the oven to cool down.
To change a setting, just touch it and the corresponding window will open. Touch clear and using the numerals set the new values. Before you exit, press the enter key in order to save the new value.
The actual and degrees cannot be changed from the keypad.